Why keyless entry locks make sense for you residential home or commercial business in Syracuse NY. In todays world it is increasingly important to make sure that your home is safe and secure. Are you aware that most home burglaries are done by amateurs? These thieves are more easily thwarted if you employ some simple security precautions, including locking up your home even if you only are planning on going out for a small amount of time. One way to make locking your house on a regular basis easy is keyless entry (link keyword to key. Digital or keyless entry locks provide the kind of flexibility that traditional locks cannot. If you are going to have a visitor for a week, share the code to open the digital lock and then change the code again when your visitor is gone. This also rules out the issue of losing a key. There are two basic types of keyless entry locks, mechanical and digital (There are card and entry and fingerprint entry locks but we won’t cover these here). Digital locks require a battery and mechanical keyless entry locks don’t require power and the user simply operates by pushing mechanical buttons. Both are fairly easy to install for your home or business.

Interested in installing a keyless entry lock? Give Murphy’s Locksmith a call today @ 315-446-9560